Blue Wave or SOS /Danse Petro

Well it’s the last stretch before the end line.  Midterm elections Tuesday.  We are looking at a clear canvas where two forces are on a collision course.  On one side we have the Trump minions, or the herd of republicans following the president toward the precipice, blindly approving the most fascist agenda ever presented to the American people while on the other side we have Democrats who are not so much of a better choice but at least will halt this descent toward Hades and the stench of racism and bigotry shamelessly displayed by the Trumpeteers.

Let us not forget that the courage displayed by candidates like Andrew Gillum for Governor in Florida and Stacey Abrams in Georgia against Desantis and Kemp is a measure of the divide characterizing American politics today.  Gillum and Abrams are both black coincidentally and they are fighting white candidates who do not shy away from the endorsement of racists white groups and use the covert language of bigots in their attacks.  In Georgia the age old tactic of voter suppression has been used to keep black people away from the polls.  Old tactics that have their history in the Jim Crow era. Both Desantis and Kemp have leaned on their affiliation and admiration of Donald Trump.  Never mind that Trump is a Russian agent controlled by Vladimir Poutine; we have not found and shared proof of this assertion but Mueller knows.  Trump is a racist and those who admire and follow him are cut from the same cloth, unless they are cowards with no spine like little Marco and Lying Ted.  In Florida, the choice is clear, either you vote for democracy by choosing Andrew Gillum for Governor and Bill Nelson for Senator or you choose fascism by backing the Trump supporters masquerading as republicans.  The ones that are making Abraham Lincoln turn over in his grave and chortle with disgust.

In Dania Beach the race for Commissioner is on the last lap and Herbert Goldwire needs your support.  He is the best candidate for the seat because he does not pander to special interests, people from outside Dania who want to take control of the city by pouring money on …  Herbert is a son of Dania Beach and his family has been residing in Dania for a long time.  He is a concerned resident, a family man and a supporter of doing the right thing for his constituents.  His ideas have resonated throughout the city and his opponents have picked up on them to boost their campaign.  Herbert Goldwire is for having a Boys and Girls club in Dania, a first, for solving the traffic problems in the City, for using revenue to build an arts and entertainment complex to bring in more revenue while allowing a space for residents to have meetings, conventions, graduations and more.  Herbert Goldwire is part of the blue wave, Democrats who want to make a change by looking out for the people rather than special interest.  So VOTE GOLDWIRE for Dania Beach City Commissioner on November 6, 2018.  And do not forget to also VOTE Andrew Gillum for Governor and Bill Nelson for Senator.


In Georgia Stacey Abrams is fighting the ogre Kemp and his racist agenda.  A black woman is ahead in the polls in this Deep South state where black voters are usually either intimidated into staying home or kept away by unjust regulations.  One of the reasons Russian agents found it easy to manipulate American electoral results is because historically elections in the USA have been manipulated for a long time to disenfranchise black and poor voters across the nation.  Georgia is one of the states where black voters were manipulated, gerrymandered and deprived of their ability to unite and cast their votes in a concerted fashion to better their livelihoods.  If they can unit with poor whites and women who are suffering from the same oppressive strategy to form the backbone of that blue wave then this will truly be a wave for optimism and a boost to the impoverished middle class.  The choices are clear and while the Trumpeteers and their minions lean heavily on the race card to galvanize the white nationalist base they support, we need to understand that this is not a black, latino and minorities fight against whites but rather democracy vs. fascism, reason vs. fanatics, and finally humanity vs. greed.  These are the choices Americans must make in these Midterm elections.  Will Trump succeed in building and autocratic system like Putin did in Russia by coopting the Republican Party into a mass of blind and silent followers heading straight to the cliff and demise or will America wake up and stop this descent into the hell of fascism.  And will the Russians interfere once more by hacking and manipulating results?


In Haiti we need to stay up on Petro Caribe and the various actions done to get justice and retribution with reimbursement for the Haitian People.  The majority of the population is concerned now and demonstrations are happening all around the island.  The Diaspora is also getting in on the action.  We will update Deye Mon on Danse Petro in upcoming posts.


One thought on “Blue Wave or SOS /Danse Petro

  1. Well envision of the current political situation. Let”s hope that the sea come back blue again, if remaining red, that disease will destroyed all the remaining spicies


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